It’s 2023, Don’t Just Use React Anymore

Do you only use React? Do you know Vue?

5 min readJul 15, 2023
Photo by Kote Puerto on Unsplash

Recently, my friend failed an interview simply because she was not familiar with Vue.js.

She usually uses React most of the time at work, so she didn’t bother to learn about other front-end frameworks.

Should we be familiar with all the front-end frameworks in the world?

No, that is extremely unreasonable.

But in order to survive, my friend still had to learn the framework of Vue.

Let’s see how to implement some of the functionalities of React using Vue.

1. v-if: How to show and hide an element?

Controlling the display and hiding of elements or components is one of the most common things we do, and in React, we often code it like this.

The same goal can be achieved with ternary expressions and “&” in JavaScript.





Written by fatfish

Hi friends, I am a front-end engineer from Alibaba, let’s code happily together.

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